

The Digital Ekarri group is a platform built by diferent enterprises from Vitoria – Gasteiz in the region of Alava, wich offer their products and services on-line in the web: http://www.marketing.ekarri.es .
Actually this web is prepared for any small or medium size enterprise from Basque country atuonomous community. Also, it is being offered for a possible inclusion in this group to benefit of diverse services for enterprises such this enterprises from Álavas discribed hereafter.
Actually the Digital Ekarri group is composed for 4 enterprises:

Ekarri marketing int.: it is an enterprise dedicated to marketing and also dedicated to the previosly mentioned business consolidation. That business offers the inclusion in its digital group inside of http://www.digital.ekarri.es internet domain, that is dedicated to the offer and demand of different business from Vitoria – Gasteiz and from the rest of the region of Alava.

Magic’all Goal: business dedicated to the presentation and retail sale of board games, stratgy games, rol games, trading card games, comic, video games, fantasy books, merchandaising… an internet space that you could find many game presentations, information of tournaments and competitions, tricks and advices.http://www.magicallgoal.ekarri.es

Kimiko Barik: business that fosters about ecological grown, ‘ Kimiko Barik ‘ is the basque expresion that exactly means in English:’ without quimics ‘, so it is an ecological grown especialized shop too. In adition to products you could find simple tricks and advices for doing an ecological grown in an easy way and without any troubles.http://www.kimikobarik.ekarri.es

Goaltech: Goaltech computer solutions is a business that offers services for computer repairing and manteniance. Also offers a complete web site building and web site manteniance service. This web building service could be for personal web sites or professional web sites, or for any kind of web site. Goaltech offers competitive prices for electronics products as tablets, smartphones, notebook and desktop computers, also any computer components for domestic usage are offered.http://www.goaltech.ekarri.es

by Ekarri int.